
ALEKSANDRA KWIATKOWSKA, Graduate student in 2012

ALEKSANDRA KWIATKOWSKA, Graduate student in 2012

''ArT gives you freedom. It’s great opportunities that come with each course and you decide on your own how much time you want to invest in certain area of study, developing self and shaping your future qualifications, according to your creative mind. You won’t find two graduates going the same path, but individual professionals able to cover many creative areas and offer something unique to the environment the person aims for next. What this studies won’t give you is the answer who you can be afterwards, you have to discover it yourself and work on it. Being ArT graduate I have confidence in identifying and formulating creative ideas based on strong concepts, which is much more than just being creative. Creating engaging experiences with an use of new technological potentials is the future, whether applied in art, design, fashion or movie production. Studies like Art & Technology are the future Art academies.''