Anca-Simona Horvath er årets underviser på kunst og teknologi 2020

Anca-Simona Horvath er årets underviser på kunst og teknologi 2020

De studerende på kunst og teknologi har indstillet Anca-Simona Horvath som årets underviser. De studerende oplever hendes undervisning som velforberedt, velstruktureret, engagerende og sjov og mener, at hendes forelæsninger hjælper med at skubbe til deres grænser og til at være ambitiøse i deres projekter.

Last modified: 27.01.2020

Anca-Simona Horvath underviser og vejleder i skulptur og teknologi, digital repræsentation: 2d og 3d konstruktioner, conceptdesign og skitseringteknik. I indstillingen fremhæver de studerende blandt andet hendes evne til at støtte og give konstruktiv kritik med fokus på muligheder og løsninger, hvilket hjælper dem med at finde ind til kernen i et problem og løse det. I indstillingen nævnes også:

  • Anca is a highly appreciated teacher by the students of Art and Technology. Her classes have great structure and she’s good at making the classes engaging and fun. Her reading material is
  • interesting and gives us nice assignment that are useful and fitting. She understands the class well and is always ready to help out even outside the lectures. Her lectures are always very active and well prepared with a good focus on the important parts of the material she presents.
  • Always looks at the possibilities and how to find the best solutions to our problems. She´s really good at giving supportive and constructive criticism, which enables us as students to find the core of our problems and ways to solve them. We feel like her lectures helps us push our limits and being ambitious in our projects.
  • Lastly Anca is incredibly supportive of her students’ activities, by going to events, performances, and taking hours out of her schedule to help students.
  • Students can go on and on about how Anca supports us. What is said here only covers the greatest parts of having her as a teacher.