Brokebelt Mountain

Brokebelt Mountain

Last modified: 25.10.2013

Project By: Freja Berger Petersen, Nicoline Lyhne, Heidi Andersen, Anja Christoffersen, Nanna Vester Feilberg.

The inner structure of the installation consists of three wooden pyramids covered in seat belts weaved together. The seat belt pyramids have several affordances, like crawling, due to the soft and plain surface of the seat belts on the floor. Thus they are also attractive for sitting and lying on. The seat belts provide a tightly weaved but not too fixed structure, that will give away when applied weight and pressure. Seat belts are also very slim and bendable and therefore graspable. This also emphasize the affordance of climbing and crawling inside the wooden structure. On top of these tops, there is a small platform that affords sitting. Inside the structure the hills are positioned in a tactical manner. In between them are small spaces that afford gathering for groups.