Guest Lecture by Chris Salter

Guest Lecture by Chris Salter

"ART, RESEARCH AND THE FUTURE IMAGINARY: HISTORIES, EXAMPLES AND STAKES" ERASMUS Masters’s program in Media Arts Cultures invites you to a special guest lecture by Chris Salter University Research Chair in New Media, Technology and the Senses MILIEUX Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology and Hexagram Network Concordia University, Montreal, Canada


02.03.2016 kl. 15.00 - 18.00


Art, Research and the Future Imaginary: Histories, Examples and Stakes

Over the past ten years, the concepts of art as research, research-creation and artistic research have gained remarkable steam internationally. Indeed, each day, the literature in areas as diverse as sociology, anthropology, art education, STS and art history, to name a few disciplines, grows exponentially. Rather than conducting a genealogy of these terms, this talk explores what the notion of artistic practice as a form of research, that is, the making of new knowledge, does both in academic, cultural and political contexts. More specifically, is there a difference conducting research through creative practice versus turning creative practice into research? What are the political and socio-technical stakes to claim artistic practice as a form of knowledge making, particularly within the contemporary neo-liberal agendas of academic institutions worldwide? Do such ways of knowing through experimentation, speculation and "just playing around" suggest alternative futures at a time of immense societal upheaval?


Free for all


Rendsburggade 14 Room 5.125